About Me

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I currently work as a school librarian at a school in Welwyn Garden City in Herts. I am also the Chair of the Federation of Children's Book Groups a National Reading and Literacy Charity as well as being founder of National Non-Fiction Day. I also work as an indepedent consultant to publishers, schools and librarans

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Books cont..

I thought maybe I should let you know the books that I have been reading over the last few days. I'm quite pleased that I've managed to get back into the swing of reading books in a quick space of time. I used to be able to read around 5 or so books a week as I'm a pretty quick reader. Anyway a couple of what I've read since sat!! When I was Joe by Keren David. It was a proof book i got in the post a couple of days ago, really really enjoyed it! Its about a young boy who witnesses a stabbing in a park and has to go into witness protection along with his mum so he can testify against the people that were involved. As he moves into witness protection it takes him a while to get used to be someone different but it also allows him to start over again to be someone new, someone different from his character. He finds out that he is good at running, very good, and also that he has suddenly a lot of female attention. As Joe starts to get used to things there is always the threat of someone trying to get to him to stop him from testifying and then when things start to go wrong in his life when he makes friends with someone who has an even bigger secret to hide everything begins to fall apart again! A really good read from Frances Lincoln.
The next book is Marcus Sedgwick's new one Revolver. A really fast pace book which has you on the end of your seat all the way through. It is about the power of guns, but set in the past in the town of Nome where there was once a gold-rush this is not an issues book. The story is set in a cabin and is about the life of one family and in particular a father and a son. The story starts with the death of Sig's father who has fallen into the ice and died. Sig is waiting for his sister and his step mother to go and get help when a knock on the door silences Sig's thoughts. Upon opening the door Sig's life changes forever. At the door is a man who has been tracking Sig's father for ten years believing that he owes him a lot of money. As Sig's father has died the man decides that it is up to Sig to take on the ownership of the crime. As the story progresses the power of the gun that Sig has in the cupboard becomes stronger and stronger but will he have to courage to use it?
Abother book that I've just finished today is If You're Reading this it's too Late. It's a really good adventure mystery, which although isn't the best story of piece of written work ever does get you hooked and gives a certain amount of pleasure as you work your way through the mystery behind some very unsavoury characters and the great Max-Ernest, one of the heroes of the story!!

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